Insolvency proceedings includes any assignment for the benefit of creditors or other proceedings intended to liquidate or rehabilitate the estate of the person involved. 破产程序包括为债权人利益的任何转让或旨在清算或恢复当事人不动产的其它程序。
Domiciliary insolvency proceedings Their tangible resources are managed on apanage principle, but their intangible resources are mutual and have communal property rights. 属地管辖权破产程序它们的有形资源可以按照属地原则进行管理,无形资源却是共有的,具有社团产权的特征。
A Transferring Bank shall be under no obligation to effect such transfer except to the extent and in the manner expressly consented to by such Bank. What does not transfer where the transferor employer is subject to insolvency proceedings? 除非经转让银行明确同意转让范围和转让方式,否则它无义务办理转让。在转让方雇主处于破产程序下时,那些东西不能转让?
What does not transfer where the transferor employer is subject to insolvency proceedings? 在转让方雇主处于破产程序下时,那些东西不能转让?
In insolvency proceedings, claims for personal injury compensation of consumers should be given priority, compared with claims for work, claims of government and secured claims. 在破产程序中,消费者的人身损害赔偿之债应当优先于劳动债权、政府债权和有担保债权获得清偿。
A Research on the Role of Deposit Insurers in the Bank Insolvency Proceedings 论存款保险机构在银行破产程序中的地位
Whereas the legislation and practice of United States, Europe and other countries in the modern world show that in the insolvency proceedings, the bankruptcy courts usually compel arbitration. 但现在,美国、欧洲等国家的立法与实践表明,在破产程序启动后,法院通常允许执行仲裁协议。
MUNICH, Germany& At the Munich district court, the insolvency proceedings for DRAM maker officially have begun. 德国慕尼黑消息,慕尼黑地方法院已经开始操作内存公司奇梦达的破产流程手续。
Shedding liabilities through insolvency proceedings seems a non-starter in Europe. 通过破产程序来减少负债在欧洲是行不通的。
A Study on the Extraterritorial Effect of Insolvency Proceedings 破产的域外效力问题研究
Bankruptcy and insolvency proceedings is an important method to prevent bankruptcy, the current law on bankruptcy and a corresponding requirements is not complete and needs to be improved. 破产和解制度是破产程序法中的一项重要的预防破产制度,我国现行法律对破产和解有相应的规定,但规定并不完善。
Weather Insolvency proceedings can just, equitable and efficient proceed and finish, it is closely related to the activities of the trustee in bankruptcy. 破产管理人的活动直接关系到破产程序是否能公平、公正和高效地开始和终结。
When debtor can not repay debts in due, creditors apply to the court for starting the insolvency proceedings to let all the creditors get equal opportunities for repayment through exercising the right to bankruptcy. 当债务人不能清偿到期债务时,债权人通过行使破产申请权,申请法院启动破产程序,以终止债务的拖延,使得全体债权人获得平等受偿的机会。
Insolvency administrator run through bankruptcy liquidation, composition, reorganization among the various procedures, is responsible for administration of the estate, actions, business and program development and implementation of bankruptcy, insolvency proceedings in the status of living is very important. 破产管理人贯穿于破产清算、和解、重整各个程序之中,负责破产财产的管理、处分、业务经营及破产方案拟订和执行,在整个破产程序中居于十分重要的地位。
The fourth part of the process of convergence and execution from the point of insolvency proceedings to propose solutions to this problem, respectively, from the parties to apply for insolvency proceedings to promote and establish the insolvency proceedings of the Court discussed two fronts. 第四部分从与执行程序相衔接的角度提出解决破产程序启动问题的对策,分别从促使申请主体启动破产程序和确立法院依职权启动破产程序两方面展开论述。
Making a new division of the main function of insolvency administrator supervision and regulation entity, creatively suggested and analyzed the possibility that prosecutors should be involved in insolvency proceedings. 在原先的监管模式基础上对破产监管主体职能进行了划分,创造性地提出并分析了检察院应当参与到破产程序中。
Mainly involves the following aspects: individual bankruptcy legislation mode selection, the reasons for bankruptcy, insolvency estate, bankruptcy, individual bankruptcy and right, insolvency proceedings, insolvency and bankruptcy summary reconciliation. 主要涉及以下几个方面:对个人破产立法模式的选择、破产原因、破产财产范围、破产免责、人格破产与复权、破产程序的启动、破产和解和破产简易程序。
The second part summaries the insolvency proceedings of Two Schools of Comparative Law summed up the Enlightenment. 第二部分通过对两大法系有关破产程序启动的比较法考察总结了对我国的启示。
In addition, this chapter also highlights the introduction of deposit insurance system and role of deposit insurance agencies in the bank insolvency proceedings. 此外,本章还介绍了存款保险制度和存款保险机构在银行破产程序中的作用。
The UNCITRAL model law classifies the transnational insolvency proceedings into three kinds: main insolvency proceeding, non-main insolvency proceeding and concurrent insolvency proceeding. 《示范法》将跨国破产程序分为三类:主要破产程序、非主要破产程序与平行破产程序。
Section Two is on the law application in cross-border insolvency proceedings. 第二节为跨境破产程序的法律适用问题。
However, due to the lengthy proceedings of corporate insolvency, in fact, only some employees of state-owned enterprises can get relief through the bankruptcy proceedings, a lot of employees got their compensation unpaid. 但是由于企业破产程序的冗长,实际上除了一些国有企业的员工可以通过破产程序得到救济外,很多企业的员工其欠薪根本无法及时得到补偿。
In a word, it constructs a comprehensive legal system of the financial institutions bankruptcy including insolvency proceedings, bankruptcy reorganization procedures, liquidation procedures. 总之,构建了一个包括破产启动、破产重整、破产清算等制度在内的综合型金融机构破产法律体系。
The author first defines the meaning of personal bankruptcy exemption system. Insolvent debtor in the bankruptcy proceedings, the insolvency proceedings for failing to pay off its remaining debts to pay off exempt from its responsibility. 作者首先明确了个人破产免责制度的内涵,即破产债务人在破产程序终结后,对其未能依破产程序清偿的剩余债务,免除其继续清偿的责任。
Compared with common enterprises, the bankruptcy of financial institutions is different in the cause of bankruptcy, insolvency proceedings, bankruptcy reorganization procedures, liquidation procedures and bankruptcy responsibilities. 但是同一般企业相比,金融机构破产在破产原因、破产程序启动、破产重整程序、破产清算程序、破产责任等诸多方面都有明显的不同。